Personal data

Name: Zoltán Gábor Szűcs
Date of birth: 9 November 1979.
Place of birth: Budapest
Citizenship: Hungarian
- 2003: 2nd prize at Classical Hungarian Literature Section of 26th National Student Circle Conference, topic: "Kazinczy's role in the history of interpretations of GáborDayka's poetry", supervisor: István Margócsy associated professor
- 2004- PhD student at Political Science Doctoral School at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, supervisor: Prof. Márton Szabó, topic: "The role of national history in Hungarian political discourse after the democratic transition"
- 1998-2004: MA in Hungarian language and Literature at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, thesis: "Grounding Dayka discourse"
- 1994-1998: Apáczai Secondary Training School of Eötvös University
Language skills
- English: degree of intermediate level
- Russian: degree of intermediate level
- Latin: reading
- German: reading
- 2003: library information in Apáczai Secondary School
Educational experience
- Fall 2006: History of political ideas - reading seminar, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law
- Fall and Spring 2006: "Return of history - Debates on political legitimizing the democratic transition (1989-1990) - seminar, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law
- Spring 2005: History and politics in Hungary in the 1980s - seminar, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law
- Spring 2005: "The politics of time" seminar at Social Theory College of Corvinus University
Research specialization
- political discourse studies
- history of political discourse
Kutatási támogatás & kutatási együttműködés
- 2005-2006: Miklós Szabó Scholarship, topic: "A critical approach to intellectual history of new conservatism in Hungary"
- Fall 2005: Erasmus Fellowship at University of Jyväskylä
- August 2005: two weeks at University of Essex, 38th Summer School in Social Sciences (courses: The Politics of Time: Narrative Theory and Discourse Analysis and Rhetoric and Discourse Analysis) financed by ECPR Scholarship Fund and its Mobility Fund
- 2003-2004: scholarship in political science of Erasmus College politikatudományi témában, project: "The pre-1945 national history in political discourse during the Fidesz-regime (1998-2002), supervisor: Prof. András Bozóki, tutor: Balázs Trencsényi
- 1999-2001: sholarships of Student Union of Eötvös Loránd University (three times)
- 1998-2000: member of Eötvös Collegium
Professional activity
- Fall 2006: organizator of 1st Annual Professional Meetings of Political Science Doctoral School at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law.
- October 2005: co-organizator Attila József Circle's Annual Professional Meetings
- 2005: co-editor of postmodern political sciences series of L'Harmattan Publishing House
- 2005: member of the presidium of Hungarian Association of Political Science
- 2005: president of Discourse Theory Department of Hungarian Association of Political Science
- 2005: member of of Hungarian Association of Political Science
- 21-22 November 2002: co-organizator of a conference on classical Hungarian literature.
- 11-12 April 2002: co-organizator of a conference on Kertész Imre's works
- 2002-2003: secretary of Hungarian Literary Student Circle at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities
- 2000-2004: editor of a cultural journal entitled Huszonegy
- 2001-2003: chief secretary of Gábor Dayka Society
- 2000-2001: president of Gábor Dayka Society.
Conference presentations in Hungarian and English
- 2 September 2006: Paper: "What does 'people' mean? The traditions and horizons of a political concept in the context of the Hungarian democratic transition.", On Politics: Rhetoric, Discourse and Concepts: A seminar with Finnish and Hungarian political scientists, historians and students, Collegium Budapest.
- 24 June 2006: Paper: "A kormányzás eltérő értelmezései az 1990-es önkormányzati törvény vitájában" [Contesting interpretations of governance in the debate on Local Governments Law] Annual Conference of Hungarian Association of Political Science, Noszvaj.
- 27 April 2006: Paper: "Redescribing statehood and revolution", An International Doctoral Course on Conceptual Struggles on Suffrage, Voting, Elections, Parliament and Citizenship, Berlin.
- 14 October 2005: Paper: "Újkonzervatív forradalom. A nyelvi innováció stratégiája az 1998-as kormányprogram vitájában"[A new conservative revolution. Linguistic innovation in the debate on the cabinet's program] FIDESZREALITY. Conference of Cepods. Budapest.
- 9 September 2005: Paper: "Pop-cult, politics, national history. The case of a rock opera" ECPR 2005 Conference in Budapest, Art and Politics section.
- 2-3 July 2005: Paper: "Történelem és politika az "István a király"-ban"[Pop-cult, politics, national history. The case of a rock opera] Annual Conference of Erasmus College, House of Professors, Budapest.
- 24-25 June 2005: Paper: "Jászi és Szekfű: Polgári radikalizmus és konzervativizmus közös eszmetörténeti forrásai" [Jászi and Szekfű: Common sources of civic radicalism and conservatism]" Annual Conference of Hungarian Association of Political Science, Siófok.
Publications in English (working paper)
- Politics of Time: Questions of Political Conceptualisation of History. In Márton Szabó - Zoltán Gábor Szűcs: Discourse and Politics: Two essays in Political Discourse Studies. Műhelytanulmányok. Digitális Archívum. Budapest: MTA Politikatudományi Intézet. 2006. 4. 14-25. p.
Latest publications in Hungarian
- Újkonzervatív forradalom: A nyelvi innováció stratégiája az 1998-as kormányprogram vitájában. [A new conservative revolution. Linguistic innovation in the debate on the cabinet's program in 1998] In: Szabó Márton (ed.) Fidesz-valóság: Diszkurzív politikatudományi elemzések a Fideszről. [Fidesz-reality:Discourse approaches to Fidesz] Budapest: L'Harmattan. 2006. 99-128. p.