  • 31 August - 2 September 2006, a conference at Collegium Budapest On Politics: Rhetoric, Discourse and Concepts: A seminar with Finnish and Hungarian political scientists, historians and students was organized in which several members of CEPODS gave papers (Márton SZABÓ, Zsófia LÓRÁND Dávid KAPOSI, Attila GYULAI, Gábor PÁL, János Vencel TÉGLÁS, Zoltán Gábor SZŰCS). For a detailed programme click here
  • 12-16 July 2006, the 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology was held in which Dávid KAPOSI gave a paper entitled "The discursive construction of nationalism - the case of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem". See: http://ispp.org/
  • 29-30 June 2006, at the University of East Anglia, Norwich there was a conference entitled Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines in which Dávid KAPOSI gave his paper "From Ahabath to Love - the politics of "re-presentation" in the Arendt-Scholem exchange". The homepage of the conference: http://discourse.uea.ac.uk/
  • 23-24 June 2006, the 12th National Conference of the Hungarian Association of Political Sciences was held in Noszvaj. Márton SZABÓ took part in the organization of the conference as programme director.  Several members of CEPODS (Zsolt BODA, Rita GLÓZER, Attila GYULAI, Gábor PÁL, Zoltán Gábor SZŰCS, János Vencel TÉGLÁS) gave papers there. For more information, see: http://polvgy2006.ektf.hu
  • June 2006, Attila GYULAI and Szilvia HORVÁTH became PhD candidates at the Doctoral School in Political Sciences at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Their supervisor is Márton Szabó.
  • 9-23 May 2006, a short seminar on Kari Palonen's works was held by Zoltán Gábor Szűcs.
  • 27-28 April 2006, the Finnland-Institut in Berlin organized a conference entitled The Finnish parliamentary and electoral reform of 1906 in the contemporary international context. Among others, Emilia PALONEN and Zoltán Gábor SZŰCS gave papers there. The schedule can be found here: http://www.uta.fi/vakava/Berlin.htm.
  • 21 February - 7 March 2006, Emilia PALONEN held a seminar on Chantal MOUFFE's latest book in English.
  • 8-29 November 2005, a short, English-speaking seminar was held on Ernesto Laclau's discourse theory by Emilia Palonen.
  • 14 October 2005, a conference was organized by CEPODS entitled FIDESZREALITY: Discursive Approaches to Fidesz at the Institute for Political Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. The papers were given by the members of the Discourse Seminar: Bogáta CSERI, Zita DRASKOVICH, Emilia PALONEN, Gábor G. FODOR, Attila GYULAI, Szilvia HORVÁTH, Dávid KAPOSI, Zsófia LORAND, Gábor PÁL and János TÉGLÁS. The paper of Zoltán Gábor SZŰCS, who presently studies at the University of Jyväskylä, was delivered through the Internet. Participants presented their research connected to an ongoing research project supported by OTKA [Hungarian Scientific Research Fund]. The audience numbered 40-50 people. The papers will be published by L'Harmattan publishing house in 2006 in the series 'Posztmodern politológiák'. The schedule of the conference can be read in the Archive in Hungarian.
  • 25 May 2005 Márton SZABÓ gave the opening lecture ('Political science and discourse analysis') at the national conference Political genres in ancient Hungarian literature. The conference was organized by the Renaissance Department of the Institute of Literary Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in co-operation with departments of ancient Hungarian literature of various universities.
  • 27 April 2005 Márton SZABÓ, Gábor PÁL, and Zoltán Gábor SZŰCS were guests of the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Debrecen as presenters of a meeting entitled Meet the Centre for Political Discourse Studies (CEPODS), where they also had a chat with the students and teachers of the department.
  • 14 March 2005 Murray EDELMAN's A politika szimbolikus valósága [The Symbolic Uses of Politics] came out as the third piece in the series 'Posztmodern politológiák' [Postmodern political sciences] of the L'Harmattan publishing house.
  • February 2005 The Committee in Political Science of the College of Social Sciences of OTKA [Hungarian Scientific Research Fund] accepted the research project proposal of Márton SZABÓ, project leader. The title of the project is A politikai párt diszkurzív valósága - a Fidesz-MPSZ elemzése [The discursive reality of a party - An analysis of Fidesz-MPSZ]. The research begins 1 February 2005 and ends 31 December 2006.
  • 28 January 2005 Zoltán Gábor SZŰCS, as the elected president of the Department of Discourse Theory, became a member and ex officio vice-president of the Presidium of the Hungarian Association of Political Sciences.
  • 25 January 2005 The members of CEPODS founded the Department of Discourse Theory of the Hungarian Association of Political Sciences. They elected Zoltán Gábor Szűcs as president, Gábor Pál as vice-president and Zita Draskovich as secretary. The Presidium of HAPS formally accepted the new department 28 January.
  • 1 January 2005 József BAYER, the director of the Institute for Political Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences founded the Centre for Political Discourse Studies as an independent unit of his institute. At the same time he appointed Márton Szabó as the leader of CEPODS. The Letter of Foundation is available in Hungarian on the Archive page.